Best Nephrologists In Delhi/Noida +91-9818680189
Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant in Noida and Delhi?

Want to get a kidney transplant? Contact Dr. Ravi Kumar Singh clinic today. He is one of the best doctors for kidney transplant in Noida and Delhi. With three years of experience in nephrology and kidney transplant. So far, he has done 800 kidney transplants. He is also an expert in nephrology procedures, kidney biopsy, permcath insertion, AV fistula creation, and salvage.

To know more about his treatment process, contact today!

What is a kidney transplant?

A kidney transplant is a procedure of extracting a kidney from a previously healthy individual and placing it in a patient with chronic and stage renal failure. The operation lasts for 3 to 4 hours and is performed by a kidney transplant surgeon. You have to take medicines and pay frequent visits for regular checkups after the kidney transplant treatment in Noida and Delhi.

What are the causes of kidney disease?

Here are some of the common causes of end-stage kidney disease:

  • If you have high sugar in your blood continuously for a long time, it can damage the kidneys' filters, which can lead to long-term kidney damage or failure.
  • When you have high blood pressure, it might damage the blood vessels and affect the filtering process.
  • It might also be caused because of congenital problems in kidney development.
  • When there is blockage in blood arteries that bring blood to the kidney.
  • When one is suffering from polycystic kidney disease where there are spaces and hollows in the kidney.

When one needs a kidney transplant?

A kidney transplant can be performed at any age, depending upon the patient's general health condition. People who have cancer or suffer from an active infection, Aids, or liver and heart diseases cannot get a kidney transplant.

So, call us today at 9818 680189 to know more about the kidney transplant treatment in Noida and Delhi.