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IGA Nephropathy Treatment

IGA nephropathy treatment in Noida and Delhi

If you are looking for IGA nephropathy treatment in Delhi and Noida. He is one of the leading nephrotic and kidney disease doctors. He has years of experience in dealing with patients' needs and requirements. He makes sure that the patient is comfortable and healthy.

IGA Nephropathy, also known as Berger's disease, is a type of kidney disease when immunoglobulin piles up in your kidney. This often results in local inflammation, which can have a kidney's ability to filter the waste from your blood.

What is IGA Nephropathy?

Immunoglobulin or IgA is a type of chronic kidney disease. It starts progressing over 10 to 20 years and can lead to end stage renal disease. It is often caused by deposit of protein immunoglobulin in glomeruli inside the kidney. These glomeruli help in removing waste and excess water from the blood and send them back to the bladder. If too much protein is present, it obstructs the filtering process, leading to blood and protein in urine and swelling in hands and feet.

What symptoms to check before going for IgA nephropathy treatment in Noida and Delhi?

The exact cause of IgA nephropathy is not known but it is believed that most of the families or people get affected as it is inherited. Men are more likely to get affected in comparison to women in these cases.

Nephropathy is a silent disease and can go unnoticed for years. It can occur at any age, but the symptoms mostly start at 40. Some of the most common symptoms are blood in urine, swelling, and legs and feet.

Where to find the best IGA Nephropathy doctor in Noida and Delhi?

If you are looking for a leading IGA nephropathy treatment in Delhi and Noida. Get in touch with Dr. Ravi Kumar today. From quality treatment to affordable prices. We have the best technology and equipment to help the patients. We ensure that you get the comfortable environment prayog in bring out your problems and get the best solution for them.

Now, booking an appointment with us is so easy, call us today and book with us.